Thursday, 22 October 2015

Downloading Success

The dictionary defined success as “The achievement of something desired, planned or attempted.” This definition is good but inadequate, because success is more than an achievement; it has a lot to do with personality. Success is who you are, not a state of mind and it is not subject to the circumstances of your environment, even if you were born into the poorest family in the poorest country and continent on planet earth, your success is possible because its in you. So stop looking everywhere else for it, look inwards and download success.

If you are a success, it does not matter what you are involved in, you will come out tops. If you were drop in the middle of the desert, you will make a fountain of water and if you were to market ice cubes to Eskimos, you will return with profit because it’s inherent and not circumstantial. Success on the other hand is measured at different levels in life and you do not have to amass all the wealth or education in the world before it can be said that you have attained success. So start from where you are and grow to where you want to be.

You can be a successful driver, trader, mason, engineer, journalist, lawyer …etc. The emphasis here is not on what you do but on who you are, by this I mean your investment in your person, commitment to your dream, goals, aspirations and drive to succeed against all odds, your desire to remain focused and refuse the mediocre life. Successful people do not drop from the sky, they are made.

“David achieved success in all he did, for the LORD was with him” 1 Samuel 18:14

Image credit (Pixabay)

Saturday, 17 October 2015

The impact of the world system on your success

The world system and economy has the capacity to make people; in their career, business, education and other endeavours, but it also has the ability to unmake same people within a twinkle of an eye. This explains the reason the world is full of “former successful people” who have excel on several frontiers and achieved outstanding success but ended as family dependants. Some goes to the extreme and use their very hands to destroy their lives as they venture into hard drugs and degenerative vices. The media is awash with devastating news of how one time very successful super stars in sports, athletics, great musicians, super models and politicians ended up living in the shadows of their true personality. One wonders what befell them; could it be their quest to maintain their status and sustain their relevance has become a snare to them?   The system that made them super successful turns around to place so much demand on them; so much that they lost their true personality and become slave to the system.

The system that governs the world is made for men and not the other way round. That implies we are supposed to drive the system and not the system driving us. Let me consider one of the popular elements of the world system to expatiate my point; Inflation- The sustained percentage increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. As inflation increases, every amount of money you own buys a smaller percentage of goods and services. If you allow the inflation of the economy of where you live determine your level of success, you can be sure your life will be full of ups and downs, good and bad, bullish and bearish, profit and loss… so you need to ensure you grow faster than the rate of inflation, maintain the up and forward trajectory at all time and your investment capacity should remain greater than your spending capacity as money spent does not yield interest but money invested is a deposit into the future. You can always reap on your investment whenever the need arises in the near future.

“The blessing of the LORD makes rich and he adds no sorrow with it” 
  Proverbs 10:22

Image credit (GaWC Project 55)

Friday, 16 October 2015

"CHOICES" Makes all the difference

The choices we make in life, makes all the difference, it determines how great or small you are today and how you will end up in life. The things you where forced to do, either by family, society or circumstances, does not reveal your true character but the choices you make. Your character on the other hand, determines your actions in every thing you do and your actions determines if you will end up a success or a failure. You can see, it all starts from the choices we make in life, so choose to be the best today and refuse to be intimidated by life challenges because you are more than able and you've got what it takes.

The choice of which school to attend, course to study, where to live or work, who to marry, divorce or stay married, and so many other choices we need to make in life, must be carefully considered and immediate gratification must not be your priority. Always remember that there’s a future and the choices you make today may affect generation ahead of you. Its not all about you, the world is bigger than you.

Success or Failure?

You have the right to choose who you want to be; a success or a failure. If you do not decide today, someone will do it for you. The system of the world will compel you to conform to the prevailing circumstance around you. The truth is, no one is born a failure, neither is there any born a success. It is impossible for anyone to be born with gold or plastic spoon in their mouth as some people presume. The fact that you were born into the wealthiest family on planet earth does not guarantee your success in life or at whatever you do. And if you were born into the poorest family in the poorest country on earth, it still does not make you a failure. You must come to terms with this truth.