Saturday, 16 January 2016

Don’t be a copy, be original

Competition is part of the success journey, it could be healthy or unhealthy but you must not allow competition to distract you from your goals and purpose in life. Either on your job, business or academics, competition is good but you must be careful enough to observe that everyone in the world has his or her own destiny and we are all on different road to success. It will be unwise to use someone else’s yard stick to measure your success because each and everyone in this world probably knows where they are coming from and heading to as regards successful living.

Why do people compare themselves with others? Why do people want to be someone else, other than who they truly are? Sometimes, there are people who wish they were born into one wealthy family or the other. The truth is this, as long as you wish to be someone else, you can only be a copy not an original and this reduces and devalues your personality. It is unfortunate; we have several people stuck in this situation all their life. I challenge you to be the original that God has made you, refuse to be a copy of anyone, improve on yourself and be the best of you. You are not in competition with anyone, so stop comparing yourself to people, it brings a lot of unnecessary pressure on you and this affects your focus in life.

Image credit (Pixabay)

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