Friday, 11 March 2016

Dare to be different!

The choices you make in life, determines your level of success and it makes a whole lot of difference. I tell people, that no one has any reason to remain in the same position, if you do, it’s your choice; deliberately or other wise.

No one will compel you to be a success; you must take your stand and refuse to move with the crowd. The fact that everyone is into a particular business does not mean you must start one and because every one is doing certain things in a particular manner, does not make it the best way possible. Dare to be different in everything you are involved with, make a clear cut decision for greatness and prepare for it. “What you don’t expect, you don’t attract” so you must expect greatness and consciously plan to attain success at every level you find yourself.

Consciously engage yourself in productive thinking, think expansion in your business, promotion at work, success in your academics and profit in all labour. Ask yourself certain questions that will help you realize your position then project for the future from where you are.

Ask; what will I add to this business? How will I expand it? What do I need to improve on? What are you doing right, so you can put more effort in that direction and what are you doing wrong, so you can learn from your mistakes and possibly find alternative ways of doing it better? Don’t always look for the easy way out, but the best way through, refuse to be limited by the options available, learn to think out of the box and be discipline in your approach to issues. Make up your mind to be different, learn new techniques and style of doing what you do, be the best at what you do and accept nothing less than the best. Become a noticeable force and set a standard for others to follow.

I once visited an internet café in Ghana sometime in 2008 “Busy Internet” and I was impressed by their approach to service delivery. Up until when I visited the café, I had never seen any Internet café of that magnitude. They have over a hundred computer system with state of the art facilities that makes browsing experience comfortable without interference by anyone. They also offer data hosting and broadband services with a conference hall and some executive browsing rooms. Come to think of it, there are several other internet café in Ghana but “Busy Internet Café” tends to stand out, as a matter of fact, it serves as a tourist attraction. It’s more than a café, it’s a solution provider and that is the reason it has become a center of attraction that everyone wants to visit and have a browsing experience of their life. Particularly, with the advent of 3G modems offered by the mobile telecommunication operators that afford people the opportunity to access the internet from the comfort of their homes or offices “Busy Internet Café” still thrive in their business because it stood up to be different and refuse to move with the crowd. In the same business environment where some internet café are finding it difficult to break even and some already out of business as a result of stringent competition in the telecommunication sector, “Busy Internet” as a service and solution provider is still in business and going strong.

This is a call to you, no matter what you are involved in, dare to be different. Rather than seek to make money, improve on values that is what brings the money. People do not pay for what they buy but the value and satisfaction they derive from such product. If you run a saloon, be the best, if you are a cobbler, be the best, before long, you will become a manufacturer and if yours is service delivery or academics, set a standard of excellence.

Image credit (Pixabay)

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