Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Plan for Success (PART 3)

An entrepreneur who plan to set up a business and want to grow the business a million times bigger in the first year of operation, this plan is difficult to achieve because it is practically not feasible. It takes more than twelve calendar months to grow a business from a shop to a conglomerate.

To grow your business or start one, the first year known as the foundation year usually involves a lot of commitment, resources and investment. Trying to put processes and business structures in place and ensuring free flow of business activities. Most business owners expect little or no profit in the foundation year but if you can get it right at this point, you can be rest assured that your business will be around for a long time and growing strong.

Findings shows that most private business hit the rock before they reach the five years mark, especially in this part of the world where people jump into businesses because its in vogue and not because they have a definite plan on how to be successful at it. So it’s not enough to have money to rent an office space or shop where your profit in a year can’t even pay the rent subsequently.

Effective planning is an important part of every business or project success, your plan should be well thought out, written down and explicit enough for you to comprehend at any time. Your plan often serves as a reference, guides you on your journey of success and helps you retrace your steps.

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Plan for Success (PART 2)

As a student, why do you go to school? Why do you attend lectures? Do you have a definite plan in place for your academics? Or you are in school because everyone around you is in school. I found out a lot of people are in school for the wrong reason as much as it’s a good decision they made to be in school. This is the reason we have a lot of graduate out there in search of jobs that are not there because they probably went to school without an effective plan for success in place. It’s not enough to read and pass examinations in school; you must be prepared for life examinations. You need to take your studies serious because that’s your primary assignment for now, attend your lectures, use the library and if you must miss any lecture, make plans for make up. There are a lot of things that compete for your attention as a student any where you find yourself but you need to learn how to balance your life, otherwise, these distractions may lead to failure.

For instance a student who does not have time  for his or her studies and will always postpone reading activities till few night to examination, what do you expect of such a student? Incipient failure, you are either planning to succeed or to fail, there is no middle ground; if you do not plan at all you are actually planning to fail. Your plans must be set rightly and achievable, consider the student described above, the problem he or she had is failure to plan rightly because preparing for any examination few night to the start date is wrong planning.

Image credit (Pixabay)

Plan for Success (PART 1)

Success does not come by chance; you do not stumble on success, it comes to people who prepares for it. Planning involves a conscious effort to prepare for the future or any project you intend to embark on. Planning helps to set your indices right and put your input (resources) together in order to achieve your set goal and objective.

Planning cut across every area of human endeavour; from great nations of the world to small individuals, the importance of effective planning can not be ignored. Planning involves well thought out steps and actions in order to achieve a definite goal. Your plan is effective when the set out goals and objective is realistic and achievable. People set goals and objectives that they can not achieve in all their life time or do not have the resources to execute; when you do this, fear and frustration set in and these create an environment for failure to thrive. So when you make your plans for success, ensure you set goals that are achievable within a specific duration of time and within the ambit of the resources you have at hand. You may not have all you need to meet your set goals but you can make do with all you have, with effective plan in place, the achievement of your goal in life is possible, just take it one step at a time.

Image credit (Pixabay)

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Change the story (PART 2)

The circumstances that surround your birth has nothing to do with who you are or your present condition, you probably did not have the right to choose when and where you were born but the most important thing is, you are here today, what next? You’ve got to do something that will change the rest of your life. Don’t sit there and wallow in self pity and play the blame game; don’t ever wish you were somebody else, No! Take responsibility for where and who you are at the moment, you may have made the greatest mistake in your life, but you are not a failure except you remain down. Refuse to give in or give up, make the choice today to be the best of you and that nothing will be able to put you down and if you ever find yourself down, rise-up to the challenge, there is no crime in trying again and again.

Your destiny is in your hands and no one or circumstances of life can put you down, refuse to let anyone talk you down. You are a success, that’s who you are, so stand tall and answer your name.

Image credit (Pixabay)

Change the story (PART 1)

Have you ever considered yourself and your family and wished you were born into another family you observed is doing better than yours? Or have you ever consider some families where their great grand parent or immediate parent, left vast wealth, investment and conglomerate of companies for their generation yet unborn? Have you ever asked yourself where your grand parent or your father was when these people were investing in their generation? May be your parent where not brave enough to plan for the future or they were totally careless of what become of you. May be they tried their best possible and it still did not turn out good, I sincerely believe that this is an opportunity for you to make a difference and change the story of your generation. The day you decide to make the change, that day marks the beginning of the rest of your life. Don’t make excuses for change, rather make the change because sooner or later the change will come but it may not be to your advantage if you refuse to pilot it.

It does not matter how disgraceful and uninteresting your life has been, what matters is your response to this predicament you found yourself in. The desire for a positive change is what drives you to rewrite the story of your life, you may not have power over your past to correct your mistakes but you can sure start from where you are now and build a better life worthy of emulation.

Image credit (Pixabay)