Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Change the story (PART 1)

Have you ever considered yourself and your family and wished you were born into another family you observed is doing better than yours? Or have you ever consider some families where their great grand parent or immediate parent, left vast wealth, investment and conglomerate of companies for their generation yet unborn? Have you ever asked yourself where your grand parent or your father was when these people were investing in their generation? May be your parent where not brave enough to plan for the future or they were totally careless of what become of you. May be they tried their best possible and it still did not turn out good, I sincerely believe that this is an opportunity for you to make a difference and change the story of your generation. The day you decide to make the change, that day marks the beginning of the rest of your life. Don’t make excuses for change, rather make the change because sooner or later the change will come but it may not be to your advantage if you refuse to pilot it.

It does not matter how disgraceful and uninteresting your life has been, what matters is your response to this predicament you found yourself in. The desire for a positive change is what drives you to rewrite the story of your life, you may not have power over your past to correct your mistakes but you can sure start from where you are now and build a better life worthy of emulation.

Image credit (Pixabay)

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