Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Plan for Success (PART 2)

As a student, why do you go to school? Why do you attend lectures? Do you have a definite plan in place for your academics? Or you are in school because everyone around you is in school. I found out a lot of people are in school for the wrong reason as much as it’s a good decision they made to be in school. This is the reason we have a lot of graduate out there in search of jobs that are not there because they probably went to school without an effective plan for success in place. It’s not enough to read and pass examinations in school; you must be prepared for life examinations. You need to take your studies serious because that’s your primary assignment for now, attend your lectures, use the library and if you must miss any lecture, make plans for make up. There are a lot of things that compete for your attention as a student any where you find yourself but you need to learn how to balance your life, otherwise, these distractions may lead to failure.

For instance a student who does not have time  for his or her studies and will always postpone reading activities till few night to examination, what do you expect of such a student? Incipient failure, you are either planning to succeed or to fail, there is no middle ground; if you do not plan at all you are actually planning to fail. Your plans must be set rightly and achievable, consider the student described above, the problem he or she had is failure to plan rightly because preparing for any examination few night to the start date is wrong planning.

Image credit (Pixabay)

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